private tuition

learn to print

why ?

For private tuition I come to you, armed with all manner of printmaking equipment. I’ll show you how easy it is to set up a screen and begin making vibrant, expressive print work.

You’ll begin by learning good, basic screen printing technique.

The method

I teach stencil screen printing. This low cost method is perfect for the at-home artist or crafter and hugely versatile.

The kit I use is small enough to wash in your kitchen sink and we use regular acrylic paint and copier paper, None of it requires a lot of space, chemicals, clean-up time or technical equipment.


With a huge menu of different ways to create texture, pattern and form, you’ll explore which marks and techniques you like best. You’ll also be encouraged to print on a variety of different fabrics and paper.

As we go, we’ll make samples of all the techniques you learn, for you to take away and use as a reference tool. At the end of the day, we’ll bind all your samples together as a book.

(You can even shut your eyes and pick a page with your fingers, as a way to kick-start improvisational printmaking sessions.)

By the end of the day, you’ll be ready to start your printmaking journey. We’ll have talked about how to balance tone, texture and negative space. You’ll have started to work out what kind of work you want to make yourself.

You’ll also be able to buy a small kit of my favourite, at-home screen printing essentials, so you can start making straight away.

And that means you’re more likely to practice at home. You can be a printmaker! You can say; ‘I have had a shit day. I want to do some printing.’ And just do it.

Print your own fabric. Make a set of greetings cards. Or – better yet – start gaining the confidence to call what you make ART. Taking it seriously; making enormous, colourful prints full of expressive, lively marks.

ready to start your printmaking journey?

Private screen printing tuition is charged at £35 per hour, for a minimum of three hours.

If you want to book or find out more, email me on [email protected], Or message me on 07708 414 953.

I can’t wait to see what you make.